

  • 5.4
  • -
  • 2hrs 55 mins
  • 554 Votes

The residents of Bharatpur treat the Thakurs like court appointing them to take decisions on behalf of everyone in the form of a judge which is then accepted by everyone regardless of right or wrong. While passing a sentence for his nephew, Jagannath who have been accused of rape; Ghajraj Thakur is gun down by his brother-in-law. Who in his dying state incarcerate his brother-in-law, his sister, Manorama and Jagannath by outcasting them from the village for a few years. Dharamraj alias Dada Thakur takes over from his dad and continues to mediate justice to the villagers; only to learn that he must assign a verdict in the form of a fair punishment for his younger brother Arjun who is found guilty in a rape and murder case - a verdict that may very well cost Dada Thakur his life.

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