

  • 8.4
  • n/A
  • 3hrs 3 mins
  • 7,207 Votes

After being released from prison for Forgery and Theft, multi-linguist Raju (Dev Anand) reflects on his life as a Guide; his meeting with the daughter of a prostitute, Rosie (Waheeda Rehman), who was unhappily married to Marco (Kishore Sahu) and wants to take up acting and dancing as a career. Rosie separates and moves in with Raju and his mother (Leela Chitnis). They both re-locate and with Raju's encouragement, she succeeds in an acting and dancing career resulting in both becoming very wealthy. He then succumbs to gambling and alcohol and forges Rosie's signature. He is arrested, tried in court, found guilty and imprisoned. Now discharged from prison, he changes his mind about returning home to his mother and decides to go elsewhere and start afresh - a decision that will alter his life and way of thinking forever.

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