My Dreams of You

My Dreams of You

  • 6.3
  • TV-G
  • 1hrs 24 mins
  • 387 Votes

Grace McMahon's life has stalled before it's even gotten off the ground. Living in Kalamazoo, MI, she works at an office temp agency by choice as it pays the bills, most of the time, while gives her the flexibility to pursue what she wants to do, which is to be a writer, so far unpublished. However, she isn't able to cover her latest monthly living expenses again, much to the exasperation of her roommate sister, Becky, that temp work is usually not what she would consider fun, inspiring or exciting, she has just learned that her novel has been turned down by all the publishers with the same criticism that, while well written, is unremarkable as a story in its small scope, and she's been living this life as such for four years, while she only gave herself three years to make it as a writer. Of late, the best part of her days has been her nights, more specifically her dreams which night after night have centered on a man she doesn't think she recognizes, that in one of the latest dreams she has named Michael, and who she is slowly falling for despite he being a figment of her dreams. As such, she spends her days preoccupied by trying to see if she can spot him in her real life. What she doesn't know is that dreams are set by Dream Central, which exists at a metaphysical level one step above human consciousness, and that her dreams are only to include things within her scope of consciousness. Those dreams with Michael have been set by her latest dream associate, newly hired and overly-confident Alura, who is horrified to discover that she intertwined Grace and Michael's consciousnesses by accident, the two who indeed do not know each other. He is Michael Roy, an aspiring musician based in Portland, OR, who, much like Grace, is on the cusp of going to his fallback life path in the music not having taken off, his working at his father's food and feed distribution business. Alura feels she has no choice but to come clean to her supervisor Harvey, who informs her that Alura's error is indeed a disaster. They have to erase Michael from Grace's consciousness but cannot do so without her consent. The truly catastrophic situation would be if Grace and Michael do meet because of Grace's dreams, which would set off a series of life altering events not only for the two of them but the world. But with Michael being who she believes to be her ideal man, it would take a lot of convincing for her to consent to him leaving her consciousness forever let alone not searching him out in real life.

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