Tumse Na Ho Payega

Tumse Na Ho Payega

  • 7.4
  • n/A
  • 2hrs 12 mins
  • 225 Votes

28-year-old Gaurav is not only stuck in his engineering job but also in the self-imposed expectations of society. Amidst his mundane routine of killing time with Mal and Vaghela, stalking Devika, abusing Arjun and sulking at work, Gaurav gets sacked from work. While dealing with his mom's histrionics and society's guardian Anu Aunty's disapproval, Gaurav chances upon a business idea. Instead of giving in to the pressure around him, Gaurav follows his heart. And what follows is one hell of a ride which weaves together hilarious, emotionally inspiring moments filled with everyday wisdom about living your life for society versus living your life for your own happiness. Let's see what wins - Gaurav's belief or society's constant reminders to him of 'Tumse Na Ho Payega'

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