

  • 6.5
  • n/A
  • 2hrs 12 mins
  • 106 Votes

Seth Dharamdas lives with his two daughters Asha and Kajal he gets Asha married to Vikas who passes in a plane crash.Dharamdas then cancels his factory deal with Dhanraj and gives it to public trust so Vika's soul rests in peace.This does not go well with him and Dhanraj and he bribes Dharamdas's trusted employee's Ashok,Manmohan and Rita and plan to kill him.While on is journey to Nainital Dharamdas is killed by Dhanraj and others but soon his spirit starts to haunt them and one by one gets killed.Inspector Anand whose investigating the case feels Dharamdas is still alive and taking his revenge.

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