Liberty Stands Still

Liberty Stands Still

  • 5.7
  • R
  • 1hrs 36 mins
  • 7,867 Votes

A gunman ties up an actor and locks him in his dressing room just before a performance. He also puts a bomb with a 90-minute timer next to the actor. Then, he goes to a room above an L.A. plaza and draws a bead on the actor's lover, international arms dealer Liberty Wallace. Calling himself "Joe," he calls her cell phone, demonstrates that a rifle is pointed at her, and tells her to cuff herself to a hot-dog cart nearby (the cuffs are there). Over the next 90 minutes, the story unfolds: as a result of his daughter's death, he wants a public debate on the Second Amendment. As Liberty begins to bond with Joe on the phone, he gets some truths from her--and his revenge.

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