Ardh Satya

Ardh Satya

  • 8.1
  • n/A
  • 2hrs 10 mins
  • 1,735 Votes

After having watched his cop father abuse his mother and compel him to become a Sub-Inspector with Maharashtra Police, Anant Velankar, who had wanted to complete his MBA, re-locates to live in Bombay. It is here he meets and falls in love with a Lecturer, Jyotsna Gokhale. Proud of his profession and hoping to make a change, he soon realizes that the police are manipulated by politicians like Rama Shetty to do their bidding. Frustrated, he turns his anger on suspects held in cells and beats them mercilessly. His frustrations arise after he is sidelined for a medal while apprehending a dacoit, and being counseled by Jyotsna to resign from this job. Things only get worse after he is humiliated by Rama Shetty, who is now campaigning to be a Municipal Councillor, as well his superior, Inspector Patil. He takes to alcohol, gets suspended and with a Delhi-contact gets reinstated. Things only get worse after he brutally assaults another suspect resulting in death. It is this news that will further alienate him from Jyotsna, his parents, and compel him to seek assistance from Rama Shetty.

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