Oonche Log

Oonche Log

  • 7.3
  • n/A
  • 2hrs 24 mins
  • 52 Votes

After the passing of his wife, Lakshmi, retired Indian Army Major Chandrakant, though blind, lives a wealthy lifestyle with his two sons, Rajnikant, a member of the National Cadet Corps, and Inspector Shreekant. He would like to get Rajnikant married to Pallavi, the only daughter of hen-pecked school-master Gunichand, as well as get Shreekant also married to another girl, both on the same day. Gunichand accordingly makes arrangements for a joint wedding to take place on 11th May. Before that could happen, Rajnikant, who has to return for training, must undertake a journey to visit a woman, Vimla Prabhu, whose husband is ill, and Chandrakant gives him some money from his wallet. Quite mysteriously, Chandrakant's finds all his money missing, and after inquiring, will get Shreekant to admit that he had taken the money without permission. Chandrakant does not know that Shreekant is not being forthright and is concealing a terrible life-changing secret.

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