Bhavnao Ko Samjho

Bhavnao Ko Samjho

  • 4.3
  • n/A
  • 1hrs 54 mins
  • 76 Votes

Wealthy widower, Himmatram Yadav, is disappointed with his alcoholic son, Sunderlal, who spends all his time with a prostitute, Ekta. Sunderlal hopes for his father's death in order to take over the entire estate of Rs.100 Crores. Himmatram does pass away unexpectedly but wills everything to his grand-niece, Suman, with the condition that the estate will be owned by her future husband. Suman is then befriended by a struggling unemployed actor, Shekhar, but she rejects him after he shows his true colors. Subsequently, Sunderlal approaches a matrimonial agency run by Vinayak Vasudev Harne, and offers him a percentage of the estate if he can come up with a groom who should wed Suman, and then for a fee, hand-over the estate to him.

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