Death Race 2000 (Dual Audio)

Death Race 2000 (Dual Audio)

  • 6.2
  • R
  • 1hrs 20 mins
  • 24,570 Votes

In the year 2000--against the backdrop of social turmoil, political unrest, and rampant anarchy--a now-totalitarian United States of America supports a brutal annual event to pacify the masses: the infamous Transcontinental Road Race. Scoring points simply by running over unsuspecting pedestrians, the national champion driver, Frankenstein, has to race against fast contestants such as the beautiful cowgirl killer, Calamity Jane; the neo-Nazi, Matilda the Hun; the Roman gladiator, Nero the Hero, and, first and foremost, the Chicago thug and ambitious challenger, Machine Gun Joe. Who will score the most points in the violent Death Race 2000?