Bounty Hunters (Dual Audio)

Bounty Hunters (Dual Audio)

  • 5.3
  • PG-13
  • 1hrs 45 mins
  • 708 Votes

One of the most awaited movies of Lee Min Ho. As he himself mentioned, very different to his last movie, Gangnam Blues. I would say not that brutal. The story is quite predictable and flows fast. Wallace Chung creates humor with his character and is successful at it. Lee Min Ho plays a character 'suppose' to be good in martial arts, however the camera angles does not let the viewers see clear actions, as most action scenes are shot very close, so either we see the upper body or lower body that moves fast. However,I believe he does justice to his character. The film locations and use of props gives the movie a high cost appeal and is set in luxury hotels and resorts. Overall the movie is a picaresque.